Adele Dellit

I started in photography mainly to assist with imagery in my painting and jewellery practice when I completed my Bachelor's in Fine Art from Griffith University. I fell in love with capturing moments in real-time and then having the opportunity to edit these photos and enhance what is already there. I've been fortunate enough to travel the world and capture some of the most beautiful landscapes - another passion of mine. (You can see some of my travel photos here.)

In 2021, I gave birth to my little boy. Having no family around postpartum can be hectic and super challenging! On days when it seemed just too hard, my husband would encourage me that we are in the good days!! Something that he borrowed from the most annoying yet can't look away character from The Office - Andy Bernard, AKA "the narddog" - who said, "I wish there were a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them". 

"Our kids grow up so fast. Don't let these memories slip away."

—Gabriel S.